Image: The Ultimate Bird Drawing Throwdown Showdown Graphic featuring images of David Sibley and H. Jon Benjamin

Join BirdNote tomorrow, November 30th!

Illustrator David Sibley and actor H. Jon Benjamin will face off in the bird illustration battle of the century during BirdNote's Year-end Celebration and Auction!


Shows With Contributions by Blue Dot Sessions

"Un Lugar Inusual Para Comer y Descansar"

Un lugar inusual para comer y descansar

En Puerto Rico hay un área de lagunas salinas, salinas y manglares donde los humanos han extraído sal por más de 500 años. Por lo general, describimos el efecto de la actividad humana sobre el medio ambiente como negativo. Pero las aves migratorias que comen y descansan en uno de los…
Threatened episode artwork for "The Scientific name Doesn't Do It Justice"

The Scientific Name Doesn’t Do It Justice

Birds have their common English name and a name in the languages of all the places they might fly through. And then they have their Latin name, which is their taxonomic name, the one scientists use. In this episode, we learn about a decades-long effort in Puerto Rico to change San Pedrito…
The Threatened en Español artwork for "El nombre científico no le hace justicia"

El nombre científico no le hace justicia

Las aves tienen su nombre común en español y un nombre en los idiomas de todos los lugares por los que pueden volar. Y luego tienen su nombre en latín, que es su nombre taxonómico, el que usan los científicos. En este episodio aprendemos sobre un esfuerzo de décadas en Puerto Rico para…
Illustration for Threatened en Español: Protegiendo a un ave y a nosotros mismos

Protegiendo a un ave y a nosotros mismos

¿Cómo organizas a un grupo de personas para proteger a un pájaro de fuerzas poderosas? El Julián Chiví, o Vireo de bigotes negros, revela la historia de una comunidad que se une para salvar a una especie, su medio ambiente y, en última instancia, a las personas mismas. Los organizadores…
An illustration of a Puerto Rican Parrot with the text "The Puerto Rican Parrot Comeback"

The Puerto Rican Parrot Comeback

In the season premiere, we travel to Puerto Rico to meet a bird that has survived deforestation, hurricanes and the exotic pet trade. The Puerto Rican parrot saw its numbers drop to almost zero at one point. But today, its population is growing and stabilizing. To achieve this, the people…
The artwork for Threatened en Español episode 1

El retorno de la cotorra puertorriqueña

En el estreno de la temporada viajamos a Puerto Rico para conocer a un ave que ha sobrevivido a la deforestación, a los huracanes y al comercio de mascotas exóticas. La cotorra puertorriqueña vio disminuir sus números a casi cero en un punto. Pero hoy, su población está creciendo y…
The episode artwork for Bring Birds Back: This is Your Brain on Birds

This is Your Brain on Birds

In order for us to show up for birds, we must first show up for ourselves. Our show is all about ways we can help our bird friends, but today we’re looking at how birds and nature can help restore us. Over the past few decades, researchers have found strong links between our connection to…
Episode promotional graphic for Bring Birds Back: "The Birds and the Trees"

The Birds and the Trees

Clark’s Nutcracker and the whitebark pine have a strong mutualistic relationship: the tree is the bird’s best source of food, and the bird is the tree’s most dependable seed disperser. But several factors are putting the tree at risk — and the decline in whitebark pines is making that…
The episode artwork for Bring Birds Back: The Fascinating World of Bird Behavior

The Fascinating World of Bird Behavior

Since Tenijah Hamilton began birding, a lot of questions have come up about why birds do some of the strange things that they do. Writer and biologist Wenfei Tong joins Tenijah to answer some burning questions about what’s going on with our bird friends – questions about different…
The episode artwork for Bring Birds Back: The Streaming Sanctuary

The Streaming Sanctuary

Maya Higa is a 24-year-old streamer, falconer and sole founder of Alveus Sanctuary, a wildlife reserve outside of Austin, TX. What's unusual about Alveus is its digital footprint — it's "a virtual conservation education center facility" primarily found on Twitch where Maya streams to teach…