Join BirdNote tomorrow, November 30th!
Illustrator David Sibley and actor H. Jon Benjamin will face off in the bird illustration battle of the century during BirdNote's Year-end Celebration and Auction!
From Ding Darling in 1934 -

to Robert Steiner for the 2013-2014 stamp

to Adam Grimm for the 2014-2015 stamp

to Jennifer Miller for the 2015 - 2016 stamp

to Joseph Hautman, winning artist for the 2016-2017 stamp

to James Hautman for the 2017-2018 stamp

and Bob Hautman for the 2018-2019 stamp

and Scot Storm for the 2019-2020 stamp

to Eddie LeRoy for the 2020-2021 stamp

... artists have been turning out amazing artwork that is turned in to duck stamps.
Here are the winning artists from 1981 to the present:
1981 David Maass Canvasback
1982 Phil Scholer Northern Pintail
1983 William Morris American Wigeon
1984 Gerald Mobley Cinnamon Teal
1985 Burton Moore Fulvous Whistling-Duck
1986 Arthur Anderson Redhead
1987 Daniel Smith Snow Goose
1988 Neal Anderson Lesser Scaup
1989 Jim Hautman Black-bellied Whistling-Duck
1990 Nancy Howe King Eider
1991 Joe Hautman Spectacled Eider
1992 Bruce Miller Canvasback
1993 Neal Anderson Red-breasted Merganser
1994 Jim Hautman Mallard
1995 Wilhelm Goebel Surf Scoter
1996 Bob Hautman Canada Goose
1997 Bob Steiner Barrow's Goldeneye
1998 Jim Hautman Greater Scaup
1999 Adam Grimm Mottled Duck
2000 Bob Hautman Northern Pintail
2001 Joe Hautman Black Scoter
2002 Ron Louque Snow Goose
2003 Scot Storm Redhead
2004 Mark Anderson Hooded Merganser
2005 Sherrie Russell Meline Ross's Goose
2006 Richard Clifton Ring-necked Duck
2007 Joe Hautman Northern Pintail
2008 Joshua Spies Long-tailed Duck
2009 Robert Beale American Wigeon
2010 Jim Hautman Greater White-fronted Goose
2011 Joe Hautman Wood Duck
2012 Bob Steiner Common Goldeneye
2013 Adam Grimm Canvasback
2014 Jennifer Miller Ruddy Duck
2015 Joe Hautman Trumpeter Swan
2016 Jim Hautman Canada Geese
2017 Bob Hautman Mallard
2018 Scot Storm Wood Duck
2019 Eddie LeRoy Black-bellied Whistling Duck