Image: The Ultimate Bird Drawing Throwdown Showdown Graphic featuring images of David Sibley and H. Jon Benjamin

Join BirdNote tomorrow, November 30th!

Illustrator David Sibley and actor H. Jon Benjamin will face off in the bird illustration battle of the century during BirdNote's Year-end Celebration and Auction!


Shows With Contributions by Purbita Saha

Close-up of a California Condor's face

Is There a Bird Flu Vaccine?

Avian flu has been in news headlines all of 2024. And many people are concerned for birds, other animals, and humans. Dr. Wendy Puryear, a molecular virologist, says scientists are working together worldwide to decrease the threat.
A Scarlet Tanager perches on a thin green branch.

The Importance of Neotropical Ornithology

To protect our migratory birds, it’s vital that we understand their behaviors both during the breeding season in North America and when they migrate to the Neotropics — a region that includes Central and South America, and the Caribbean. Yet historical and systemic barriers in scientific…
Bring Birds Back Season 6 Episode 6

Let’s Talk About Bird Flu

Avian flu, better known as bird flu, has been in news headlines all of 2024. Still, many questions remain for the general public. What is it? What’s causing it? How is it spreading? And how serious should we be taking this public health matter? Our co-hosts Purbita Saha and Deja Perkins…
Bring Birds Back Season 6 Episode 4

Putting Neotropical Ornithology on the Map

In 2023, over 120 contributors published a study in the scientific journal, Ornithological Applications, about a long history of exclusion Latin American and Caribbean scientists have faced. In the world of ornithology, the Global North (or rich and powerful regions like the USA, Canada…
Bring Birds Back Season 6 Episode 3

Making the Windy City Safer for Birds

On October 5, 2023, thousands of migrating songbirds died after crashing into the McCormick Place Convention Center in downtown Chicago and surrounding buildings. Co-host Deja Perkins will speak with Douglas Stotz, a conservation ecologist at the Chicago-based Field Museum about that…
Wild turkey hen peers through tall grass

How Studying Turkey Hens Helps Conservation Efforts

Mike Chamberlain is a wildlife ecologist at the University of Georgia and co-founder of the Wild Turkey Lab. He’s spent the majority of his 30-year career studying wild turkeys and says one recent, critical discovery about the nesting habit of hens has made a crucial impact on the…
Bring Birds Back Season 6 Episode 1

The Forgotten Flock: Female Birds

How much do you know about the lives of female birds? And could you identify, say, a male Scarlet Tanager from a female? This episode’s host (and co-founder of the Galbatross Project), Purbita Saha, is here to explain why studying female birds is important. Joining her, ornithologist…
Bring Birds Back S6 Podcast art

Season 6 Trailer

Join us every other Wednesday for a new episode of Bring Birds Back! Meet this season’s co-hosts Deja Perkins and Purbita Saha, and learn about a wide range of topics from community activism in BIPOC birding spaces to regional and socioeconomic biases in the field of ornithology. From the…
A Carolina Wren perches on a fencetop with tail cocked

The Crafty Carolina Wren

Though half the size of a robin, the Carolina Wren has a powerful singing voice that seems to come from a much bigger bird. Many people remember their song with the phrase, “teakettle-teakettle-teakettle!” When these secretive birds venture into the open, look for their cocked tail, bright…