Image: The Ultimate Bird Drawing Throwdown Showdown Graphic featuring images of David Sibley and H. Jon Benjamin

Join BirdNote tomorrow, November 30th!

Illustrator David Sibley and actor H. Jon Benjamin will face off in the bird illustration battle of the century during BirdNote's Year-end Celebration and Auction!


Shows With Contributions by Deja Perkins

A pair of Downy Woodpeckers stand on opposite sides of a tube feeder and eat

Neurodivergence is an Asset for Project FeederWatch

Since 1976, Project FeederWatch has been through many changes, but what has remained is the dedication to collecting data that improves bird science. Dr. Ashley Dayer is a conservation scientist who leads a research team based on Project FeederWatch data. She says the project is a great…
Chicago's skyline at dusk

The Fight for a Bird-Friendly Chicago

Window collisions kill nearly one billion birds every year in the U.S., with many fatalities occurring during spring and fall migration. Judy Pollock, president of the Chicago Bird Alliance, says this problem has a solution: using bird-safe glass or applying a tight grid of decals to…
Bring Birds Back Season 6 Episode 6

Let’s Talk About Bird Flu

Avian flu, better known as bird flu, has been in news headlines all of 2024. Still, many questions remain for the general public. What is it? What’s causing it? How is it spreading? And how serious should we be taking this public health matter? Our co-hosts Purbita Saha and Deja Perkins…
Bring Birds Back Season 6 Episode 5

Backyard Birding and Beyond with Project FeederWatch

Since 1976, Project FeederWatch has been through many changes and iterations. But what has remained is the dedication to collecting data that undeniably improves bird science. In this episode, host Deja Perkins speaks with Emma Greig, the U.S. Project Leader for FeederWatch, about what…
Dickcissel perches on long twig, beak open

Bilingual Birding with Daniela Herrera

For many, birding is about more than just a love and appreciation for birds – it also helps build community. But finding a birding group in a community where the primary language is not your own can be near impossible.
Bring Birds Back Season 6 Episode 3

Making the Windy City Safer for Birds

On October 5, 2023, thousands of migrating songbirds died after crashing into the McCormick Place Convention Center in downtown Chicago and surrounding buildings. Co-host Deja Perkins will speak with Douglas Stotz, a conservation ecologist at the Chicago-based Field Museum about that…
Bring Birds Back Season 6 Episode 1

Building Community for BIPOC Birders

Historically, birding spaces aren’t known to show diverse faces, races and even genders. But for the Chicago BIPOC Birders group, co-founder Daniela Herrera proves that what has always been isn’t always right. In this episode, Herrera shares with our host Deja Perkins why spaces for Black…
Bring Birds Back S6 Podcast art

Season 6 Trailer

Join us every other Wednesday for a new episode of Bring Birds Back! Meet this season’s co-hosts Deja Perkins and Purbita Saha, and learn about a wide range of topics from community activism in BIPOC birding spaces to regional and socioeconomic biases in the field of ornithology. From the…
A Carolina Wren sings from a branch softly illuminated in the shade

Deja Perkins on Gaps in Bird Observations

For her PhD, Deja Perkins is studying datasets generated by the public, also known as participatory science projects. These projects include eBird, a site where anyone can upload bird observations. And they’re essential to conservation efforts. But Deja says that not every area is well…
A Red-winged Blackbird flies, his wings on a down stroke and his red orange shoulder patch glowing

The Red-winged Blackbird

The Red-winged Blackbird is the theme bird for this year’s Black Birders Week. Deja Perkins, who helps organize the event, introduces us to this species and what the bird represents to her and to Black Birders Week.