Join BirdNote tomorrow, November 30th!
Illustrator David Sibley and actor H. Jon Benjamin will face off in the bird illustration battle of the century during BirdNote's Year-end Celebration and Auction!
BirdNote is deeply grateful to our loyal donors for supporting the 2020 website upgrade. Thank you!
Special thanks to Sarah Merner & Craig McKibben and Jerry Tone & Martha Wyckoff for contributing matching funds for the campaign.
Anonymous (3)
Lauri Adams and Mike Macy
Chris Altwegg
Tomas Alvarez
Joan Alworth
James L. Amspacher
Paul Arneson
Bald Head Island, NC Bird Lover
Jon Barwick and Allison Watson
Julianne Bass
Darcy Berg in honor of Bill Berg
Helle Bielefeldt-Ohmann and David Fitzpatrick
Ellen Blackstone
Philip Blum
Sallie Bodie
Paul M. Boggs
Jean Bohling
Donna C.
Diana Carey in honor of Bob Sundstrom
Alex Chadwick
Patricia Charlson
Susan Clasen
John Cleveland and Dawn Henninger in honor of Laura Cleveland
Dorothea Collins
Marc Cordova in honor of Beth Cordova
Karna Cronn
Carol Cummins in honor of Friends of Sax Zim Bog
Dennis Davidson in honor of Riley Shavings, a young bird watcher
Owen Deutsch and Rona Talcott
Mark DeWeirdt and Dorothy Ling in honor of Tom and Annalee Luhman and their 50th Wedding Anniversary
Michelle Douskey
Ann Duey
Janet Elliott
Kit Ellis
Shelly Ellison in honor of Ellen Blackstone and Chris Altwegg
Lila Emmer
Karin Feddersen in memory of Sandy Tremblay
Martha Fields
Finca Dos Lados Reforestation and Research Project
Olivia Finch & Billy Trout4388
Deborah Fisher
Jack Force
Janet Fowler
Gail Fox
Jon and Anne Fox
Lee Gibson
Adeline Gildow in memory of E.C. Gildow
Kate G. in honor of the BirdNote staff
Judith Gordon in memory of Dorothy Gordon
Peter Green
M. Harshbarger
Jade Hems
Erin Hennessey
Helen Hepp in honor of Carol Clothier
Michael Holmes in memory of Susan Jones
Philippa Ivain
Gordon Jones
William Jones
Marian Jordan
Kathryn Kamo
Hope Kanaley in honor of mentors Sylvia Gallagher and Roy Poucher
Edward Kennedy
Ann and William J. Keppler, PhD
Ruth Kneile
Stephanie A. Lambert
Pierre Lauzon
Liam Lavery and Yazmin Mehdi
Christine Linden
Dorothy Ling and Mark DeWeirdt
Robert Long
Karen Luecking
John Lundin
Catherine Lynch
C. J. M.
Ruth M. in memory of Luna
Diann MacRae, Olympic Vulture Study
Joseph L. Manson
Ben Martin
Colleen McCarthy
Chester Allen McConnell in honor of Dorothy McConnell and Friends of the Wild Whoopers
Michelle McRuiz
June Mercer
Sarah Merner and Craig McKibben
Dagnija Meyer
Gordon and Jacquelyn Miller
Kevin J. Miller in memory of Rosemary A. Miller
Susan Miller
Nancy Morris
Diann Myers
Cynthia Newby
Nancy Nordhoff and Lynn Hays
Kathy Obersinner
Dennis Paulson
Jackie Pendergrass
Gale Petersen
Cathy Pohlman
Patricia Ponce
Gene Puhrmann
Catherine Quinn
Reg R.
Joan Raymond
Ginny Remeika
Marjorie Remeika
Mary Rogers
Will Rogers
Kathleen Root
Deedie Rose
Katherine Rubin
Buck Sanders
Diane Sargent in memory of R. Kent Sargent, MD
Leah C. Scott
Mary Short
Pat Siggs in memory of Joan Trunk
John and Sharon Simons in memory of Dr. John and Marie Simons
Laurie Slater
Lynne Smith in honor of Toby Ross
Melissa Smith
Marv Stahl in memory of our parents
Jane Stone
Lisa Strubbe
Susan Sullivan
Tom Taylor
Karen Thompson
Jerry Tone and Martha Wyckoff
Laraine Turk
Susan A. Valenti
Nadia Valla
Janet L. Vallar-Gillette
Valley House Brewing Co. in honor of the Snoqualmie River Valley
Ruth Van Doren in memory of Hugh Grey
Mark Visconty
Christine Visick
Peggy Wait
Wendy M. Walker in memory of Pat and Mary Henninge
Cindy Wambeam
Cynthia Warwick
WaterJenn in memory of Meg Morris
Diane Weber
Karen Weiss in honor of Daryl Christensen
Maria Wheeler in memory of Anthony S. Castellone
Catherine L. Whiteside
Wild Birds Unlimited - Johnson City, NY
Antoinette Wilkinson in memory of John Joseph Wilkinson
Andrea Williamson
Elida Wilson
Betsy Yee-Diamond
Michael J. Zeigler II
Cinda and Stuart Zemel in honor of their grandchildren
Stasia Zwisler
Thank you for making it possible to launch BirdNote's new hub for digital storytelling!