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Many people take an interest in birds as they get older. But others start very early, like one young BirdNote listener named Ben Bradmon. He has been learning how to identify birds by their calls. His favorite is the Tufted Titmouse. He has also begun deepening his knowledge of birds by sketching them, letting him focus on details of the birds’ appearance and their habitats.
Learning More About Birds by Sketching Them
Written by Conor Gearin
Jonese Franklin: This is BirdNote.
Many people take an interest in birds as they get older. But others start very early, like this young BirdNote listener, Ben Bradmon.
Ben Bradmon: Hi, my name is Ben, I am 8 years old, and I like to watch birds. I like watching their behavior, and I think their sounds are relaxing. I'm trying to learn to identify their calls.
[Tufted Titmouse call]
I have a favorite bird — Tufted Titmouse. I think they're cute.
[Tufted Titmouse call]
We have a lot of woodpeckers. Red-bellied, mostly red-bellied.
[Red-bellied Woodpecker call]
They really like one of our white pines.
[Red-bellied Woodpecker call]
Jonese Franklin: And Ben is deepening his knowledge of birds by sketching them.
Ben Bradmon: I've been starting to draw birds in nature in a notebook. You look at the birds a lot, so it makes you learn more.
[Red-bellied Woodpecker call]
I drew the Red-bellied Woodpecker on a tree — it's standing on a tree. And it's about to peck.
[Red-bellied Woodpecker pecking]
I think it's fun drawing the habitats too.
[Red-bellied Woodpecker call]
Jonese Franklin: Find out more about how you can start learning your local birds on our website, BirdNote dot org. I’m Jonese Franklin.
Producer: Mark Bramhill
Managing Editor: Jazzi Johnson
Managing Producer: Conor Gearin
Content Director: Jonese Franklin
Bird sounds provided by The Macaulay Library of Natural Sounds at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, New York. Tufted Titmouse ML616742112 recorded by Jeff Ellerbusch, Red-bellied Woodpecker ML217850831 recorded by Jay McGowan, and Red-bellied Woodpecker ML160124181 recorded by Glen Chapman.
BirdNote’s theme was composed and played by Nancy Rumbel and John Kessler.
© 2024 BirdNote July 2024
Narrator: Jonese Franklin
ID# BradmonB-01-2024-08-23 BradmonB-01