Join BirdNote tomorrow, November 30th!
Illustrator David Sibley and actor H. Jon Benjamin will face off in the bird illustration battle of the century during BirdNote's Year-end Celebration and Auction!
Who's in the neighborhood today? It's amazing how many birds you can see – and hear – when you go for a walk. There's a towhee... and a Steller's Jay ... now, a junco ... There's the "tin trumpet" sound of this Red-breasted Nuthatch. And the Ruby-crowned Kinglet is warming up, all because it's spring. Oh, and the Song Sparrow! What a song! Consider taking a walk in your neighborhood. Find out what you can see – and hear!
Birdsongs near Home
Written by Chris Peterson
This is BirdNote!
Bye, Honey. See you in a little bit. I’m takin’ the dog for a walk.
[Dog running toward door, door opens, then footsteps]
Ah, the great outside. Time for a little exercise and self-renewal.
Hear that towhee announcing us? [Alarm call of towhees] And those Steller’s Jays doing the same! [Alarm call of Steller’s Jay]
That “whinny?” That’s a big fat robin [Whinny of American Robin].
But who’s that little guy telling everyone “This bush is my territory?” Let’s take a closer look … [Junco singing]. It’s a junco! I just saw his tail-feathers flash white as he flew.
[Song of a Song Sparrow] Now, there’s one of my favorites – the Song Sparrow, over there, a little above eye level! And that “tin trumpet” in the background? …the Red-breasted Nuthatch [Red-breasted Nuthatch at a distance].
C’mon, Fido, let’s go through the woods. I think I hear a Ruby-Crowned Kinglet warming up. [Song of the Ruby-Crowned Kinglet]
And yes…the plaintive song of the male Black-capped Chickadee [Fee-bee-bee] “Hey swee-tie.” [Pause] “Hey swee-tie.”
Why not take a walk and hear who’s in your neighborhood today? [Whinny of American Robin]
For BirdNote, I’m Mary McCann.
Calls and songs provided by The Macaulay Library at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, New York. Towhee, American Robin, Dark-eyed Junco, Spotted Towhee, Red-breasted Nuthatch, and Ruby-Crowned Kinglet recorded by G.A. Keller, Steller’s Jay by L.J. Peyton.
Ambient sounds recorded by C. Peterson.
BirdNote’s theme composed and played by Nancy Rumbel and John Kessler.
Producer: John Kessler
Managing Producer: Jason Saul
Editor: Ashley Ahearn
Associate Producer: Ellen Blackstone
Assistant Producer: Mark Bramhill
Narrator: Mary McCann
© 2013 Tune In to Nature.org May 2013/2019 Narrator: Mary McCann
ID# 050207KPLU birding-09b-2009-05-30 birding-09c