Join BirdNote tomorrow, November 30th!
Illustrator David Sibley and actor H. Jon Benjamin will face off in the bird illustration battle of the century during BirdNote's Year-end Celebration and Auction!

As a long time resident of the Big Island of Hawaii, wildlife biologist, photographer and birder, Jack Jeffrey, is intimately familiar with Hawaii’s hidden valleys, remote rainforests and rare birds. He brings to his images the knowledge from over 30 years of observation and study of Hawaii’s endemic birds, as well as those from around the Pacific. He combines a naturalist’s curiosity with a photographer’s patience and technical skill to produce beautiful images. Jack contends’ that “Public awareness is the greatest asset to Hawaii’s imperiled species”. He is the recipient of the prestigious National Sierra Club 2002 Ansel Adams’ Award for Conservation Photography. A partial list of publications that have featured his work include Audubon Magazine, Smithsonian, Life, Natural History, Birders World, National Wildlife, Pacific Discovery, Defenders of Wildlife, Science, National Park, the National Geographic Canon Endangered Species Series, as well as numerous books, text books, and calendars.
Jack says: "Bird photography has become a passion, almost an obsession for me. Every time I head out to photograph, different opportunities present themselves. Whether it’s different light, birds on feeding on different native flowers, or an unusual behavior…. every day is different. Each opportunity provides me with new and exciting images. I don’t know about you, but I still get excited when I down load my files at the end of the day and see the images on my lap top screen after a long day of shooting.
Many of Hawaii’s birds are on the brink of extinction. I’d hate to think that I’m only recording images of these magnificent creatures for posterity. I’d rather believe that through my photography, I am providing an emotional link between humanity and the birds. If I do what I love… my passion…I feel that I’m doing my best to ensure that Hawaii’s people, and visitors from around the world, will continue to have opportunities to enjoy these colorful forest treasures for many generations to come."
Browse shows that Jack has contributed to.