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Arguably the most bird-rich country on Earth, Colombia is the home of about 20% of all bird diversity worldwide. And there’s a lovely book published by Rey Naranjo Editores titled Field Guide to the Birds of Colombia with over 5,000 striking, hand-drawn illustrations of the country’s avifauna.
Listen to this episode in Spanish here.
The Field Guide to the Birds of Colombia
Written by Camilo Garzón
This is BirdNote.
[Buff-throated Saltator song]
Colombia is the home of about 20% of all bird diversity worldwide. Arguably the most bird-rich country on Earth, there are more than 1900 bird species that make it their temporary, or permanent homes.
[Screaming Piha song]
And there’s a lovely book published by Rey Naranjo Editores titled Field Guide to the Birds of Colombia. It has over 5,000 striking, hand-drawn illustrations of avifauna.
[Screaming Piha song]
Out of the hundreds of species in the field guide, meet one of Colombia’s birds: the Yellow-eared Parrot…
[Yellow-eared Parrot calls]
Their wings and tail are entirely green, and their cheeks are yellow. The species likes to live in places with wax palms like the ones seen in the movie Encanto. This parrot was feared to be extinct in 1997, but two years later researchers found a small number surviving high in the Andes mountains. And their populations in subtropical and temperate forests have begun to recover in recent years!
Next time you’re thinking about birds, think of Colombia, a paradise of excess for bird lovers, and a home for birds like no other!
[Yellow-eared Parrots flying by and calling]
This show is also available en español — visit our website, BirdNote dot org, to learn more. I'm Camilo Garzón.
Senior Producer: John Kessler
Content Director: Allison Wilson
Producer: Mark Bramhill
Managing Producer: Conor Gearin
Script Editor: Camila Kerwin from the Rough Cut Collective
Bird sounds provided by The Macaulay Library of Natural Sounds at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, New York. Buff-throated Saltator, ML 212221 recorded by N. Areta, Screaming Piha ML 185287691 recorded by D. Cueva, Yellow-eared Parrot, ML 173504141 recorded by G. Nagy, and Yellow-eared Parrot Xeno Canto 582922 recorded by J. Fischer.
BirdNote’s theme was composed and played by Nancy Rumbel and John Kessler.
© 2022 BirdNote October 2022
Narrator: Camilo Garzón
ID# colombia-01-2022-10-28 colombia-01