Image: The Ultimate Bird Drawing Throwdown Showdown Graphic featuring images of David Sibley and H. Jon Benjamin

Join BirdNote tomorrow, November 30th!

Illustrator David Sibley and actor H. Jon Benjamin will face off in the bird illustration battle of the century during BirdNote's Year-end Celebration and Auction!


Shows With Contributions by Mark Bramhill

Two sparrow chicks peeping over the edge of a nest built in an outdoor ashtray. A couple pieces of old cigarette pieces are at the edge of the nest.

Bird Facts Stranger Than Fiction

Novelist Kira Jane Buxton has written several books about a pet crow navigating a post-apocalyptic world. But her writing is full of real-world bird behaviors. She has taken inspiration from how sparrows line their nests with cigarette stubs — which can deter mites — and many other bits of…
A Field Sparrow faces the viewer, head turned to its right, showing its pale beige front, brown wing edge, grey stripe across its forehead, pink beak and legs.

Ada Limón: The Hurting Kind

Poet Ada Limón often writes about birds, and her new book, The Hurting Kind, is no exception. Birds are a throughline in the book — between the seasons, from childhood to present, and knowing and unknowing. Two of her poems examine opposite sides of the “knowing/unknowing” coin. You can…
An illustration of Bring Birds Back host Tenijah Hamilton, smiling and holding binoculars in a city park setting, as birds fly over her.

Season Two Trailer

Last year, Tenijah Hamilton discovered her love of birds – and found out that birds are in trouble. On a mission to help bring birds back, Tenijah joined bird enthusiasts from different backgrounds, identities, and communities to learn and share simple, everyday actions people can take to…
Female Common Merganser swimming with a couple of her chicks on her back, the rest swimming along behind her. The scene is sunlit and greenery reflects on the water.

Joyce Clement: Birds Punctuate the Days

Poet Joyce Clement writes haiku, a traditional Japanese form. While it's often thought of as having three lines with 5-7-5 syllables, Joyce says that the key elements of any haiku are a fragment and a phrase spoken in a single breath. In this sequence of haiku, Joyce juxtaposes punctuation…
Close up view of Atlantic Puffin in profile, its round head with white face and black cap, and colorful large broad short beak in bands of black, yellow, and orange, holding a flower by its stem.

Puffin Bills Glow

Puffins are known for their flashy bills, striped like a giant piece of candy-corn. New research has found that the bills of Atlantic Puffins glow brightly under ultraviolet blacklights. Neon, curved streaks appeared between the different colored segments of a puffin’s bill in this…
A sunlit Rose-breasted Grosbeak showing its black head and back, with white breast topped with red patch.

I Dream of Grosbeaks

Science educator Chidi Paige was working hard preparing her students for the World Series of Birding. Chidi’s students were studying with the goal of identifying the most birds in the kid’s competition. And then something happened that made Chidi wonder if they were thinking about birds a…
Bright red male Northern Cardinal, with his black mask and red beak, stands on a green grassy area.

Ada Limón and the Birds of Kentucky

When poet Ada Limón moved to Kentucky with her husband for his work, she was having trouble adjusting to her new home. To connect with the place, she began learning about the local birds and plants. She found comfort in the idea of the nearly omnipresent state bird, the Northern Cardinal…
A Blue Jay with its back to the viewer, looking up over its right shoulder in a quizzical or thoughtful pose

Bird...NOT! with H. Jon Benjamin

During the COVID-19 pandemic, actor H. Jon Benjamin began sharing his experiences with birds in his “Morning Bird Report” videos on social media. For April Fools Day, BirdNote has invited him to test out his birding-by-sound skills on a one-of-a-kind quiz show: Bird…NOT! Jon has to guess…
A Pair of crows, their heads turned toward each other, one touching the other with its beak.

T and Dart

Author Kira Jane Buxton loves crows — so much that she’s written two novels about a crow named S.T. navigating the extinction of humanity. When she was writing those books, she tried befriending the crows in her neighborhood, and wound up bonding with a pair of them. She named them T and…
A pair of sitting Black Vultures seen against a clear blue sky

BirdNoir: Vultures Come to Town

On this episode of BirdNoir, the Mayor of Bricksville calls the Private Eye with a bit of a problem: “several dozen giant bird-punks loitering on top of City Hall!” The detective figures out the most likely reason why these birds have chosen the top of a building as their hangout, and…