Join BirdNote tomorrow, November 30th!
Illustrator David Sibley and actor H. Jon Benjamin will face off in the bird illustration battle of the century during BirdNote's Year-end Celebration and Auction!
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Recent Shows

Thirsty Hummingbirds
Here they come! Rufous Hummingbirds, Black-chins, Broad-bills, Ruby-throats, and others are migrating north after a hot, dry... Listen Now
Spark Bird: Jerome Gaw at the Aquarium
When Jerome Gaw got the chance to volunteer at the Aquarium of the Pacific, he was stoked. He'd loved sharks and marine life since... Listen Now
Meet the Tiniest Owl in the World
Standing less than six inches tall, with gray feathers and big yellow eyes, the Elf Owl weighs less than an ounce and a half —... Listen Now
American Woodcock
At sunset, the male American Woodcock – a plump, robin-sized bird – walks slowly on short legs from the cover of the forest to a... Listen Now
Adaptations for Flight
Birds evolved not only wings, but many other adaptations that make it possible to fly. Feathers provide insulation, waterproofing... Listen Now
Zone-tailed Hawks Mimic Vultures
Zone-tailed Hawks of the American Southwest look a lot like Turkey Vultures. And they often soar among groups of Turkey Vultures... Listen NowSupport BirdNote Today
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