Join BirdNote tomorrow, November 30th!
Illustrator David Sibley and actor H. Jon Benjamin will face off in the bird illustration battle of the century during BirdNote's Year-end Celebration and Auction!
Even though I am a 4th generation San Diegan, I have lived stretches in Oregon and Montana. I love to travel and have toured extensively throughout the western United States and through sections of northeastern and southeastern USA. My travels outside the "lower 48" include Alaska, Hawaii, western Canada, including the Dempster Highway to northern Yukon and NWT. I've also had trips through much of Mexico and Southern Africa.
My interest in nature photography began in the early 1990's and accelerated in 1995 when I first traveled to Africa. November 2001 was sort of a milestone for my photographic evolution ... I attended a photographer's seminar in Jackson Wyoming (Photography at the Summit). There I met and spent a week with some really great photographers and editors - Bill Eppridge, Dave Black, Jody Cobb, Tom Mangelsen, Rich Clarkson, David Alan Harvey, George Olson, Amy Sancetta and Charles Lindsay. Each of these individuals contributed to the elevation of my photographic consciousness. The galvanizing advice that resulted from this seminar was that a pursuit of general nature photography might not be the best strategy for me. It was pointed out that I would be wiser to specialize in birds, as I had already shown an interest in capturing them. The advice was well received. I now have a sense of purpose, and know what to focus on in the field. At the same time, it does not hinder me from shifting my attention to other subjects if an opportunity should present itself.
To learn about these workshops, visit:
One of my most rewarding experiences of recent years has been my involvement with projects for the San Diego Natural History Museum, in particular, the Bird Atlas, Bio-Blitzes, and currently, the San Jacinto Centennial Resurvey. I have also been privileged to participate in the studies of bird nesting in the San Diego National Wildlife Refuge Complex at the Saltworks and the Tijuana Slough.
My migration from pure film to digital imaging began in the mid 1990's, when affordable film scanners became available. In August 2003, when I acquired my first dSLR (Nikon D1x), I abandoned film entirely. I upgraded to the D2x in the Spring of 2005, which served me quite well until June 2010, when the D3x superseded it as my favorite weapon. For a more techno-geek discussion, you can check the News Page for "Gear Talk", or Click Here.
While I earn my living running my own business, Western DC Systems, I spend virtually all my 'free time' pursuing imaging in some fashion.
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